
ServiceCode Service Name TAT Days TAT Hours Methodology Collect Specimen Volume Storage Temperature Notes
G81 AFB Culture (MGIT) 42 0 "Liquid rapid culture on MGIT after processing specimen with Modified Petroff's Method of digestion and decontamination. Followed by Differentiation between MTB and NTM/MOTT by TBMPT64Ag Card test." Respiratory specimens. Also acceptable: Body fluid, CSF, gastric aspirate, tissue, or urine in sterile leak proof container 2-10 ml 2TO8DC Identification of NTM and susceptibility testing of all Mycobacteria is performed on positive cultures at an additional charge.s
G1933 AFB stain for 3 Days 3 "Conventional microscopic examination after ZN stain" "Sputum or Urine (Early morning specimen) which ever is prescribed for testing. In case of urine, full voided urine is recommended." Minimum 2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection. An AFB Stain alone without culture is appropriate only when following respiratory specimens on previously diagnosed patients. Studies have shown that AFB stain without culture has a poor negative predictive value. For a higher predictive value, order AFB culture.
G1936s AFB Stain by IF for 3 Days 3 Fluorescence microscopic examination after Auramine O Stain. "Sputum or Urine (Early morning specimen) which ever is prescribed for testing. In case of urine, full voided urine is recommended." Minimum 2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection. An AFB Stain alone without culture is appropriate only when following respiratory specimens on previously diagnosed patients. Studies have shown that AFB stain without culture has a poor negative predictive value. For a higher predictive value, order AFB culture.
G1946 Anaerobic Culture 5 0 "Conventional anaerobic culture and automatic identification on MALDI TOF after growth" Aspirate, body fluids, tissues, or material collected from areas without normal anaerobic flora Ambient temperature "Specimen stability at ambient is 48 hour Contact the laboratory prior to collection of the specimen if consultation on collection containers or transport is needed. To perform anaerobic culture from Blood, Bactec Anaerobic test is suggested."
G330 Bactec Aerobic Culture 0 72 Bactec continuous monitoring and rapid detection system "Transfer Blood/Fluid/Pus to a Bactec aerobic resin bottle using aseptic techniques, as defined for blood culture collection. Site of specimen draw is required (e.g. Left Hand, Right Hand, CVP line, Arterial line etc). Adult minimum: 3 mL blood (aerobic: 8-10 mL recommended)" 3-10 ml Ambient temperature Good volume of blood/fluid is crucial for better recovery of organisms. It increases detection chances. Very high volume (Higher than 10 ml) is not recommended as it can further inhibit the growth.
G1905 Bactec Myco-F Culture 5 0 Bactec continuous monitoring and rapid detection system "Transfer Blood/Fluid/Pus to a Bactec aerobic resin bottle using aseptic techniques, as defined for blood culture collection. Site of specimen draw is required (e.g. Left Hand, Right Hand, CVP line, Arterial line etc). Adult minimum: 1 mL blood (aerobic: 1-5 mL recommended)" 1-5 ml Ambient temperature Good volume of blood/fluid is crucial for better recovery of organisms. It increases detection chances. Very high volume (Higher than 10 ml) is not recommended as it can further inhibit the growth.
G1888 Bactec Ped plus culture 3 0 Bactec continuous monitoring and rapid detection system "Transfer Blood (Pediatric patient) to Bactec Peds Plus resin bottle using aseptic techniques, as defined for blood culture collection. Site of specimen draw is required (e.g. Left Hand, Right Hand, CVP line, Arterial line etc). Adult minimum: 1 mL blood ( 1-3 mL recommended)" 1-3 ml Ambient temperature Good volume of blood/fluid is crucial for better recovery of organisms. It increases detection chances. Very high volume (Higher than 03 ml) is not recommended as it can further inhibit the growth.
G2363 Biofire Gastrointestinal Panel 0 8 Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Stool 1 ml Ship refrigerated
G2316 Biofire Meningitis panel 0 8 Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction CSF 1 ml (Min 0.5 ml) 2TO8DC A negative result does not exclude a diagnosis of meningitis or encephalitis due to infection.
G2347 Chlamydia and N. Gonorrhoeae detection By GeneXpert CB NAAT 1 0 Cartridge based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Vaginal Swab, Rectal Swab, Endocervical swab, Urethral Swab, Genital Swab, Penile Swab or Pharyngeal swab in transport medium or Urine Swab Or if urine than 15-20 ml 2TO8DC
G2020 Clostridium Difficile GDH Ag + Toxin A and B Detection From Stool 0 4 Qualitative immunochromatographic assay Stool Representative portion of feces; 5 mL, Min 1 ml Ship refrigerated or frozen
G2388 Colistin MIC by Microbroth dilution 1 0 MIC by microbroth dilution Pure culture growth on culture plate or slant Pure bacterial growth Ambient temperature As per CLSI guidelines, Polymyxin B antibiotic sensitivity is to be tested and reported only by Microbroth dilution method.
G82 Fungus Culture 10 0 Culture/Identification Material or fluid from any body site, except blood Minimum 2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection. "Remarks Additional information required: Specimen source. Notify laboratory if Malassezia furfur is suspected, special media must be used for the cultivation of this yeast"
G2000 Fungus susceptibility testing by MIC 3 0 Broth Microdilution Pure growth of yeast on plate or slant Ambient temperature Isolate identification and specimen source required
G2084 GeneXpert-TB CB-NAAT 0 24 Cartridge based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test Respiratory specimens. Also acceptable: Body fluid, CSF, gastric aspirate, tissue, or urine in sterile leak proof container Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC "1. Specimen volumes less than indicated may decrease sensitivity of testing., 2. If insufficient volume is submitted, test or tests will be canceled."
G2308 Identification By Maldi TOF (Mass Spectrometry) 0 2 "Mass spectrometry: MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization)" Pure growth of bacteria or yeast or hyphal fungus on plate or slant Ambient temperature
G2011 KOH Preparation 0 4 Microscopic examination "Submit Skin, Nail scrapings, Hair ( including root), Cerebrospinal fluid, in a sterile screw capped container OR 2 mL whole blood / bone marrow in 1 Green Top (Sodium Heparin) tube. Ship at 18–22°C. Submit Body fluid, Sputum, Bronchial washings / Tissue in a sterile screw capped container OR Oral/Genital/wound swabs in 0. 5 mL sterile normal saline." min 0.5 - 1 ml6 Ship refrigerated Specimen source preferred to be mentioned while sending sample
G2422 Mycobacterial Identification By Maldi TOF 2 0 "Mass spectrometry: MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization)" Pure growth of Mycobacteria in MGIT tube/LJ slant/Agar plate Ambient temperature
G2001 NTM / MOTT Drug susceptibility testing by MIC 10 0 Microbroth Dilution Actively growing isolate in pure culture (MGIT tube/LJ Medium) Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
G2341 Pneumoslide IgM Panel (Bacterial + Viral) 2 0 Indirect immunofluorescence Blood in plain tube (Serum) 1 ml minimum 2TO8DC
G2013 Pneumocystic Jirovecii (Carinii) detection 2 0 "Giemsa and Methenamine silver stain" Respiratory specimen: Bronchial washing, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), or induced sputum Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC A negative stain result does not exclude the possibility of infection. False-negative results may occur due to sampling errors or a low number of organisms in the specimen.
G2030 Primary Stain 0 12 "Microscopic examination after various stains like Gram stain, AFB stain, KOH, AFB by IF (Calcofluor white when requested)" "Any specimen except blood" 2TO8DC
G2310 Biofire Respiratory Panel 0 8 Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Nasopharyngeal Swab NPS in minimum volume of 1 mL of VTM Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection. "Negative results in the setting of a respiratory illness may be due to infection with pathogens that are not detected by this test, or lower respiratory tract infection that may not be detected by an NPS specimen. Positive results do not rule out coinfection with other organisms."
G255 Semen Wash By Gradient Method 0 4 Semen wash by gradient method Semen in sterile container RT "Transport the sample immediately. It should reach laboratory within 30 minutes. Collect the processed sample immediately after report is ready."
G2016 Neisseria gonorrhoeae detection By Microscopy 0 6 Light microscopy Urethral discharge, Vaginal or cervical discharge, Urine Minimum - 1 ml (In case of discharge) Ambient temperature
G2018 Stool For Hanging Drop Preparation 0 4 Light Microscopy Stool Minimum 2 ml Ambient temperature
G2023 TB Drug Second Line 20 0 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube Minimum 1 ml 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2022 TB Drug First Line 20 0 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube Minimum 1 ml 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2002 TB Drug Sensitivity (First line and Second line) 20 0 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube Minimum 1 ml 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2140 TBDrug10 14 14 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube Minimum 1 ml 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2149 TBDrug19 14 14 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube Minimum 1 ml 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2134 TBDrug4 14 14 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2135 TBDrug5 14 14 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube 2TO8DC Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges.
G2130 Wet Film Examination From Sample 0 4 Light Microscopy "Body fluid, Urine, CSF" Min 1 ml RT
T2598 AFB stain 0 4 "Conventional microscopic examination after ZN stain" All specimens except blood Minimum 2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection. An AFB Stain alone without culture is appropriate only when following respiratory specimens on previously diagnosed patients. Studies have shown that AFB stain without culture has a poor negative predictive value. For a higher predictive value, order AFB culture.
T3894 Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen from CSF 0 4 Qualitative Immunochromatography CSF in a sterile leak proof container Min. 1 ml Ship refrigerated or frozen Patients who have received the S. pneumoniae vaccines may test positive in the 48 hours following vaccination. Avoid antigen detection testing for at least 7 days after receiving vaccination.
T3816 1,3-Beta D Glucan Level 5 0 Semi-Quantitative Colorimetry (Protease Zymogen-Based Colorimetric Assay) Serum - Plain Red or Serum Separator Tube (SST) Min 1 ml 2TO8DC
T3847 Cryptosporidium Antigen From Stool 0 4 Rapid Immunochromatographic assay Stool Minimum 1 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
G328 Bactec Anaerobic culture 5 Automated blood (BACTEC)culture "Transfer Blood/Fluid/Pus to a Bactec anerobic resin bottle using aseptic techniques, as defined for blood culture collection. Site of specimen draw is required (e.g. Left Hand, Right Hand, CVP line, Arterial line etc). Adult minimum: 3 mL blood (8-10 mL recommended)" 8-10 ml Ambient temperature Good volume of blood/fluid is crucial for better recovery of organisms. It increases detection chances. Very high volume (Higher than 10 ml) is not recommended as it can further inhibit the growth.
T1119 AFB detection by Immunofluorescence 0 6 Fluorescence microscopic examination after Auramine O Stain. All specimens except blood Minimum 2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection. An AFB Stain alone without culture is appropriate only when following respiratory specimens on previously diagnosed patients. Studies have shown that AFB stain without culture has a poor negative predictive value. For a higher predictive value, order AFB culture.
T718 Albert stain 0 3 Alberts stain, Light Microscopy Throat swab, Respiratory samples Ambient temperature
T1383 Identification on Vitek 2 0 Fluorogenic methodology for organism identification by automated system Pure growth of bacteria or yeast on plate or slant 2TO8DC Some organisms which are not identified on Vitek, might get identified by MALDI TOF automated system, which is having higher library for identification.
T2670 Biological indicator 2 0 "Indicator growth detection system post incubation" Steam or ETO biological indicator 1 Vial each Ambient temperature
T2403 Escherichia coli Antisera O 157 24 Slide agglutination with antisera Ambient temperature
T705 Gram stain 0 6 "Light Microscopy after gram stain" Any specimen except blood Minimum 1 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
T388 Indian Ink Preparation 0 3 Negative staining Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or other specimen in sterile container 0.5 ml Minimum Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
T1380 Legionella Pneumophilia Antigen From Urine 0 6 Immunochromatographic assay Random urine 1-2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
T1933 LPA (Line Probe Assay) MTB-XDR 3 The DNA•STRIP technology combines a specific amplification with subsequent reverse hybridization Any representative sample (Sputum, pus, fluid or any other clinical sample except blood) Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC "This includes the quinolone-resistance determining region (QRDR) of gyrA (from codon 85 to 96) and of gyrB (from codon 536 to 541) (16) genes for detection of resistance to fluoroquinolones and the rrs (nucleic acid position 1401, 1402 and 1484) and the eis promoter region (from -37 to -2 nucleotides upstream) for detection of resistance to second line injectable drugs. (Aminoglycosides)."
T1936 LPA (Line Probe Assay) NTM AS 3 The DNA•STRIP technology combines a specific amplification with subsequent reverse hybridization Pure growth of NTM in MGIT medium/LJ slant. 2TO8DC
T3267 MIC BY E-TEST 1 Epsilometer MIC detection by gradient method "Pure growth of Bacteria/Yeast on media plate or slant" Ambient temperature Isolate identification and specimen source required. Individual antibiotics must be specified
T684 Microbiological surveillance 2 "Swab culture and air sample testing by aerobic culture for detection of organism load/type. Air sampling by settle plate technique." Maximum 30 swab from different relevant areas with or without maximum 2 air samples 2TO8DC It is mandatory to provide list of sites from where swabs or samples are being collected
T2590 Identification on Vitek (For Pharma) 3 Fluorogenic methodology for organism identification in automated system Actively growing organism, in pure culture (Slant or plate) RT
T2257_1 Water Culture for Surveillance 3 Water culture testing and reporting by MPN method Water in two sterile containers for sufficient volume Minimum 60 ml 2TO8DC
T2257 Food Microbiological Testing 4 Food in sterile container 2TO8DC In case of testing for any specific pathogen, condition or specimen type, it is mandatory to mention same in test request form (TRF).
T3893 Streptococcus pneumoniae Antigen from Urine 0 6 Qualitative Immunochromatography Random urine Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC False-positives may occur because of cross-reactivity with other members of S. mitis group. Clinical correlation is recommended.
T3817 Rotavirus Antigen From Stool 0 6 Immunochromatographic assay 1 ml 2TO8DC
T3922 Streptococcus A antigen detection from Throat swab 0 6 Immunochromatographic assay Throat swab in transport medium Ambient temperature
T4033 Listeria monocytogenes Ag detection form stool 0 6 Immunochromatographic assay Stool in leak proof container Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC
T4035 Adenovirus antigen from Respiratory sample 0 6 Immunochromatographic assay Nasal swab, Nasopharyngeal wash or aspirate. 2TO8DC
G2448 Biofire Pneumonia Plus Panel 0 8 Qualitative and Semi Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction "Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)-like specimens • Including BAL and mini-BAL Sputum-like specimens • Including induced and expectorated sputum as well as endotracheal aspirate (ETA) collected according to standard technique" 1 ml 2TO8DC Negative results in the setting of a respiratory illness may be due to infection with pathogens that are not detected by this test, pathogens below the limit of detection, or in the case of bacterial analytes, present at levels below the lowest reported 10^4 copies/mL bin. Detection of analytes does not rule out co-infection with other organisms; the agent(s) detected by the FilmArray Pneumonia Panel may not be the definite cause of disease.
Parasite Identification 0 6 Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
G2446 Genex Carba R Xpert Assay 0 6 Qualitative PCR "1. Pure culture of carbapenem-non-susceptible organism or 2. Perirectal or Rectal Swab" RT False-negative results may occur due to inhibition of polymerase chain reaction, sequence variability underlying primers and probes, or the presence of the genes in quantities lower than the limit of detection of the assay.
COVID NAAT 0 6 Cartridge based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test "Nasopharyngeal swab in Viral transport medium Nasopharyngeal aspirate or nasal washings in sterile container" Min 2 mL of VTM and If Aspirate - 1.5 ml 2TO8DC Detected results are indicative of the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. Clinical correlation with patient history and other diagnostic information is necessary to determine patient infection status.
TBPZA (Pyrazinamide susceptibility for MTB) 20 0 Indirect method of Antitubercular testing by Bactec MGIT 960 system Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube 2TO8DC "Pure growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in MGIT tube is preferable sample. In case of growth on any other medium or old growth, re-culturing is required which may take additional charges. When this test is ordered, the additional test will always be performed and charged separately."
Giardia lamblia Antigen From Stool 0 4 Immunochroatographic assay Stool in leak proof container Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC
SPECIAL CULTURE 5 0 "Selective/ Enriched culture of required organism" Any specimen suitable for detection of ordered organism detection Minimum 2 ml Refrigeration recommended. Ambient temperature if sample reaches the lab within 72 hrs from the time of complete collection.
XPERT HCV (HEPATITIS C VIRUS) VIRAL LOAD 0 24 Real time Reverse transcriptase PCR "Whole blood should be collected in K2-EDTA tubes, EDTA-PPT or serum collection tubes. It is mandatory to Collect 2 tubes to maintain sufficiency of the sample." 1.2 mL plasma or serum 2TO8DC
2033 Biofire Blood Culture ID Panel 0 8 Qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction Blood culture 1 ml RT "Positive results do not rule out co-infection with organisms not included in the BioFire BCID2 Panel. "
Polymyxin-B MIC by Microbroth dilution 1 0 MIC by microbroth dilution Pure culture growth Ambient temperature As per CLSI guidelines, Polymyxin B antibiotic sensitivity is to be tested and reported only by Microbroth dilution method.
G2032 GeneXpert-MTB/XDR 0 24 Cartridge based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test "Respiratory specimens. Also acceptable: Body fluid, CSF, gastric aspirate, tissue, or urine in sterile leak proof container Pure MTB isolate in a proper screw cap, sterile tube with proper packaging." Minimum 2 ml 2TO8DC "Specimen volumes less than indicated may decrease sensitivity of testing."
ServiceCode Service Name TAT Days TAT Hours Methodology Collect Specimen Volume Storage Temperature Notes